Monday, July 18, 2016


If I am to be completely honest with you, I have been avoiding something that I know makes me feel good. I am sure this has caused me to be more down than I should be and I know it. The thing is that it causes much pain. It hurts because of arthritis, it hurts because a lot of weight on a body hurts, it hurts in many other aspects, however through time, it will hurt less and less. I realize this. This thing I have been avoiding is.....


Saturday I walked 2.14 miles with my kids and I looked at my pedometer and realized I hadn't walked that much since June 8th which was the HIKE for Girls camp! It felt good. I loved the walk and I felt so much better after doing it. I wanted to keep going but the pain was getting to me, the youngest got a blister, and it was Waaaay past the kids bed time. So we quit and went home.

Today, I decided to go running. Yes I am overweight, yes, it hurts, but oh it feels so good. I LOVE RUNNING. Right now my running is more of a slow jog and I can't go as far as I used to before I had kids, but I did it. I ran half a mile today which for not having exercised much in 2 1/2 years isn't too bad. I did a full mile, but only ran half of it. It killed me, but I loved it!

It is time for me to get going. I have goals I want to get to. In order for me to reach these goals I have to start somewhere. So tonight I started running.

 What exactly are my goals? Most of you know that I want to be a police officer. I do. It is something I have dreamed of since I was a kid. It is something I have desperately wished for and hoped for and have never achieved because I have spent my time wishing instead of doing something about it. I got close once. I lost over 100 lbs and was getting closer and closer to my goal and then I got really sick and discouraged and I gave up and have since gained it all back.

I have other goals in life too. I want to be around for my kids and eventually grand kids. I want to run the way I used to. I want to take my kids to a theme park and be able to ride ALL of the rides with them and not just the ones I can barely fit in. I want to go on a zip line. I want to go shopping for clothes and not feel uncomfortable. These are just a few of the little goals I want to reach.

I had a friend who was a police officer who believed I could do it. He once told me that when the desire to be a police officer became my biggest desire that nothing would prevent me from getting healthy enough to fit in the blues. I think it is mighty time to show him I can do it. So those are my goals for now. Just a few of them anyway. If you see me out running, enjoy a quick laugh, and then please encourage me to keep going. It does help when people care. Thanks! Have a beautiful week!

 Feel free to share your goals here or on the facebook page!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Thank You

Hello Friends! I know I said I would write more often and I have failed. Ha! Summer has been very busy. We have been out and about spending time with family and friends. So I apologize for the lack of blogs this summer. 

I have been thinking lately about friendship. What is the value of a good friend? I have had hundreds of friends throughout my life. Some I have stayed friends with and yet there are others who have slowly become acquaintances and there are even a few that I no longer have a friendship with. How is it that I have held such a strong bond with some and not with others? These are a few of the things I have been thinking about lately. 

 I have thought about the amazing friendships I have built since I have moved to where I live. I have made some incredible and hopefully long lasting relationships. I have also lost a dear friend because of where I was in my life and where she was in hers. It was a tough time. 

As I thought about all of my amazing friends here, I realized how lucky I was in life. How amazing it is that I have such a great group of people that I can feel comfortable around no matter how much I weigh, or how crazy I am, or what life situations I am dealing with. Friends that I know I can count on. Friends that I am always willing to help when they need it. Friends who I can ask for toilet paper and they will not laugh because I ran out ;). Ha ha, that last one may or may not have actually happened. 

My point in all this is that I am thankful for amazing friends. I am thankful for you. I am thankful that you have all been an amazing part of my life and I realize how lucky I am. I have dealt with a lot of crazy in my life, from surgeries to injuries, depression, and much more. You have all stuck by me and have offered your amazing friendship regardless of my situation. For that I am very thankful. 

I know that life can be daunting at times. I know that things can be amazing. I hope that each of us have a few friends (or many) that we can count on in times of need, that we can be honest with, that we can laugh with, that we can cry with, that we can always have close. I hope you all know how much you each mean to me. I am so thankful for each of your friendships in my life. 

Today I am just Thankful for my Friends and I felt like I needed to say it out loud. I love you all!

I know it isn't Thanksgiving, but I am going to ask anyway. 

Feel free to comment here or on the Facebook Page. :)