Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year!

My friends! It has been quite a while since the last time I wrote. I hope that all of you had a beautiful Christmas and are enjoying the NEW year! What a wonderful opportunity we have to start anew every year. I greatly apologize for the fact that I am the worst at updating my blog.

Here are a few Highlights of 2018
January- I have a 16 year old now! I am no longer going to school.  I am working at Doterra to help make ends meet. Medical issues, life, depression at all time High

February- Attended a retreat for women who have dealt with sexual abuse (there is a blog post about it if you would like to read more).  Happy Valentines!

March- Attended my first Northstar Conference (see for more info)
Finally a place to feel like I don't have to hide who I really am. I have loved myself more with this information being out than I ever did when I was keeping it a secret. Hey Guess what!? I am not straight. I am Gay (Lesbian, Same sex attraction, whatever you want to call it because literally nothing will change with who I am.) and I am happy with myself for being Open  and honest about it. It is a big part of who I am and I am proud of that part of me. I don't intend to change anything about my relationship with my husband and we will continue to be married. Matter of fact, it was also our 17th Wedding anniversary! (17 years already?!)

April- I also have a 14 year old! Wow time flies! Missing Grandpa on his birthday. Happy Easter!

May- Happy Birthday to me! (and dad and several cousins).  First birthday feeling hope for the future in a long time

June- Summertime! Lots of swimming. Marching band in full swing! Parade time!

July- Went on a trip to the Lehman caves with the family. Such a beautiful and wonderful adventure!  No Marching band in July! Woo hoo!

August- Marching band has once again commenced. Quit my job at Doterra to be home with the kids. Did I mention we paid off over $7000 in debt!?

September- Holy cow I have an 11 year old! She is the youngest. 

October- Halloween has come, which means it is HOLIDAY SEASON! Bring it on! 

November- Such a wonderful Thanksgiving at my Grandmas house.  Also I started selling my stained glass projects. Ornament orders were coming in left and right. Such a great start!

December- I have a 40 year old! (it's my husband, but he's still mine). Christmas is my favorite. I love everything about it! Many amazing things happened in December. A great way to end the year!!!

Many other amazing things happened throughout the year. I am in a pretty awesome choir called Lux Singers ( or follow us on Facebook!) and I am in the Women's chorus. I have also been able to do many amazing things with my family. I have been on quite the faith journey this year as I have navigated through the scriptures and become closer to Christ through prayer. I don't know where I stand as far as a specific religion goes, but I am happy with where I am in my relationship to Christ.  I look forward to what the year 2019 will bring. So excited to begin the 2019 journey! 

For 2019 I have decided that my word of they year will be Change. I am ready for good changes to happen in my life. It means getting serious about my health, both mental and physical, and about accepting the things I cannot change and being willing to love them the way they are. I am so excited for what the new year will bring for me and I hope it brings you all good things as well. 

Happy 2019!

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